Lafayette Anticipation associate curator Anna Colin talks to artist Tyler Coburn about Ergonomic Futures, a speculative project engaged with art, design, science, anthropology and writing. In this interview, Coburn discusses the research, production process and network of collaborators of a multilayered project ultimately concerned with the futures of humankind. Anna Colin: When one comes across your museum seats Ergonomic Futures (2016—) in contemporary art exhibitions—and soon in natural history, fine art, and anthropology museums—they look… [read more »]
Lesbians that Look Like Gabby Giffords
People in the dog-eat-bitch world of political consulting love to talk about “optics.” What are the “optics” of doing a press release on the same day our opponent’s mom gets denied flood insurance? What are the “optics” of having a story about our candidate’s love handles on page 7 of the Tampa Tribune right next to a story about the lack of reasonably priced Italian restaurants in Tampa?
Optics, as they say, are everything. And by “they,” I mean the mouth-breathing children at Politico, who would sooner self-immolate than file a story on anything other than “what to watch out for” in tonight’s exit polls of elderly, Jewish, pressed Cuban sandwiches.
So imagine our surprise when Politico and the rest of the lamestream media failed to home in on the surprising optics behind Gabby Giffords’s triumphant return to the limelight—post-book, pre-resignation, and all cuddly wuddly Congress-victim.
The now-former Arizona Congresswoman and assassination-attempt survivor just doesn’t look like the cactus-eating, border patrolling Blue Dog Democrat she once was. In fact, she looks like a rather accessible lesbian—an accessbian.

Old Gabby

New Gabby
With her short cropped hair, slightly askew glance and sweet doe eyes, she feels like the nurturing, hyperliberal non-profit mom/friend of your aunt’s who’s ready to sit down with a nice bottle of NPR before she pets you with her thesis on cisgender performativity.
She’s just different now—and that’s a good thing.
Old Gabby would’ve driven to the office in a mid-sized American sedan, disguising her double shot Dunkaccino® inside a carefully selected tumbler bearing the logo of a local java joint as she careened down the streets of Phoenix. New Gabby drives to Taos with her womyn friends, sipping on tea from a Dukakis ’88 thermos.
The possibilities are endless. Just look how much Obama loves her:
Now, please enjoy this gallery of lesbians who look like Gabby Giffords. We salute you, Gabby.
- Lesbian author Alison Bechdel
- New Gabby
- This vintage protest lesbian
- Lesbian Comedienne Kate Clinton
- Annette Benning playing a lesbian in “The Kids are All Right”
- Glee star Jane Lynch
- New Gabby again
- Sinead O’Connor—not a lesbian, but I’m still counting it
- Noted older lesbian Suzanne Pharr
- Check out that lesbian in the back
- This trans guy
- NPR’s Teri Gross– also not gay