Bernie Sanders for President

Bernie Sanders for President From the DIS Magazine Team The 90’s were lit. Or at least, we remember them that way. In the Clinton Era, we left the artifice of the 80’s and embraced an empowering, blasé cool, a world of cell phones, gay people and possibility. The economy was booming. The Clintons, celebrities for our time – flawed, glamorous, aspirational – were the perfect embodiment of the American dream. As they passed welfare reform… [read more »]

Lesbians that Look Like Gabby Giffords

People in the dog-eat-bitch world of political consulting love to talk about “optics.” What are the “optics” of doing a press release on the same day our opponent’s mom gets denied flood insurance? What are the “optics” of having a story about our candidate’s love handles on page 7 of the Tampa Tribune right next to a story about the lack of reasonably priced Italian restaurants in Tampa? Optics, as they say, are everything. And… [read more »]

Top 10 Political Screen Grabs of 2011

In a very particular order, here are the top 10 things that fogged up my computer screen in 2011: 10. Michele Sets Us Straight Because despite the misleading title and impressive posture of its cover star, this book has almost nothing to do with Pilates. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Dinner Invitations from Barack Because desperation was the look in 2011.

Regarding the Pain of Gaddafi

An all-white room. Four pieces arranged in the center of a gallery that’s otherwise minimally decorated. A bunch of guys in beards milling around outside. Your average gallery opening, right? But this is Libya, not Berlin. The pieces on display are the corpses of Gaddafi and his loyalists. The gallery is a meat locker—an ad hoc solution to the problem of displaying rotting flesh: The spare setting conveys just how much of Gaddafi’s power remains.… [read more »]

Herman Cain Delivers

Herman Cain is on a book tour. Like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump before him, the author of the presumptuously titled This is Herman Cain! My Journey to the White House is selling a large hype pie with extra hashtags. He’s been called a “minstrel” for peppering his Southern black manspeak with folksy aphorisms like “shucky ducky” that he shills for heehawing white audiences. He prefers to call himself the “Hermanator” (which actually is the… [read more »]

What’s wrong with #OccupyWallSt? Be specific.

Is #OccupyWallStreet the new Tea Party?

One If by Brand

Call it the race to the middle. For a GOP desperate to find a credible nominee, Mitt Romney is looking like the on-brand, très bland alternative to Obama’s class warrior.  The more that rootin’ tootin’ Rick Perry gets riled up at debates, the higher Mitt seems to fly.  But what’s behind that sinister, high-end jawline of Mitt Romney’s? Let’s check Twitter for our first clue: This tells us that Mitt thinks campaigning is very hard.… [read more »]