Holacracy Mike Pepi For his contribution to the exhibition catalog for Office Space, curated by Ceci Moss at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Mike Pepi dissects Holacracy, the new management philosophy sweeping Silicon Valley. In Holacracy, your job description now includes the cognitive labor required to dissolve your subjectivity into a machinic assemblage. Holacracy saved Brian Robertson’s life. Shortly after takeoff on one of his first unassisted flights he began… [read more »]

Machine Vision Benjamin Bratton in conversation with Mike Pepi and Marvin Jordan In his forthcoming book, The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty, Benjamin Bratton deepens his investigation into the fundamental problems facing design today: obstacles presented by planetary scale computation, or a software-hardware monolith that he calls “the stack”, comprised of “so many different genres of machines, spinning out on their own…” This new schema or “accidental megastructure” foreshadows a disciplinary frontier that forms a… [read more »]

Glass Ceilings New work from Addie Wagenknecht Since the 1980s, the metaphor of the “glass ceiling” has referred to the oppressive reality whereby gender systematically bars women from positions of power that they can see, perform, and technically reach. Today the glass ceiling is a paradox. It persists even in the face of extensive measurement and documentation. This failure—both the failure of society to address gender inequality and the personal failures experienced by those still… [read more »]