Lafayette Anticipation associate curator Anna Colin talks to artist Tyler Coburn about Ergonomic Futures, a speculative project engaged with art, design, science, anthropology and writing. In this interview, Coburn discusses the research, production process and network of collaborators of a multilayered project ultimately concerned with the futures of humankind. Anna Colin: When one comes across your museum seats Ergonomic Futures (2016—) in contemporary art exhibitions—and soon in natural history, fine art, and anthropology museums—they look… [read more »]
The data was processed by extracting the #londonriots, #ukriots or #riots tags, the #riotcleanup tag and @riotcleanup.

This map shows UK tweets from 15:00 to 22:00 on Tuesday 9 August 2011. The colour code shows whether they contain hashtags relating to the riots, cleanup or whether they are just general tweets. Clicking on the image will take you to the map, where you can read the individual tweets by clicking on the blue points.
(thanks to Venus Jazmin)