Lafayette Anticipation associate curator Anna Colin talks to artist Tyler Coburn about Ergonomic Futures, a speculative project engaged with art, design, science, anthropology and writing. In this interview, Coburn discusses the research, production process and network of collaborators of a multilayered project ultimately concerned with the futures of humankind. Anna Colin: When one comes across your museum seats Ergonomic Futures (2016—) in contemporary art exhibitions—and soon in natural history, fine art, and anthropology museums—they look… [read more »]

Curated by Courtney Malick
(Re)Move/(Re)Frame is a curatorial project on performance and documentation in five parts; three performances, a gallery exhibition and an accompanying website. Its aim is to present ways to access and proliferate meanings and interpretations of a work of performance art after its live incarnation has passed, and to explore the blurred boundaries between the live moment and the retrospective trace. The work of Condon, Moulton and Yemenwed also represents a resurgence of theatricality in performance art that rejects the traditional, site-specific, ephemerality that the genre has struggled to free itself from in the past. Instead their live performances are reiterated in several, consecutive contexts, while at the same time self-documentation is an inherent aspect of their artistic process which leads to a layering of videos, digital images, live performances and installations, all of which can be digitally or visually manipulated in order to move beyond their immediate moment of inception. It is this type of flexibility that the multiple points of access that the (Re)Move/(Re)Frame project seeks to reflect, while at the same time the project’s website invites viewers to consider their particular approach to the project in relation to that of others and utilize it as a space within which to think through the different ways that these artists work and the relationships that are teased out of them through the project’s fractured structure can be documented. Therefore viewers to the gallery exhibition, any of the performances or to the website itself, are welcome to contribute photos, videos, written comments or embedded links to other sites, articles, etc. in an attempt to expand our understanding of this work and its relevance in terms of contemporary modes of communication.
Please visit the (Re)Move/(Re)Frame website at:

Brody Condon


Shana Moulton