FAUX/real Fall 2012: Full_Time_Job — Hardly_Working (NSFW)

Video by Jordan Levine and Rodan Tekle. Japanese office porn courtesy of Babak Radboy.

On Thursday, NY jewelry label FAUX/real presented their Fall 2012 collection at Jack Chiles gallery, projecting the above video by Rodan Tekle and Jordan Levine, and a minorly traumatizing XXX version only visible in the reflection of a small round mirror. Their collection played on office supplies, water cooler espionage, bathroom hardware, and asphyxiation by the cords and wires of clean, sexy, corporate day jobs. See a few of their pieces below!

Stressed Out Bracelet

Untitled Keychain

FREAK IN/OUT paper weight


Multi Task Notebook

Photography by Gewet Tekle

Khaki Gone Tiki

It is an inalienable right of every man, woman, and child to wear khaki. Looking, acting, and ultimately being Prep is not restricted to an elite minority lucky enough to attend prestigious private schools, just because an ancestor or two happened to arrive here on the Mayflower. You don’t even have to be a Republican. In a true democracy everyone can be upper class and live in Connecticut. It’s only fair. —The Official Preppy Handbook,… [read more »]

Clean Sweep

Tracklist Primal Scream – Inner Flight Sister Mantos – Astaroth The Magick Report – Your Philosophy Kills Me Tha Pumpsta – L-O-V-E (Brother Bruno Remix) Julee Cruise – Rockin’ Back Inside my Heart (Remix) Roedelius – Hoc Volo (Go Up) Enigma – Sadeness Pt. 1 (Violent Us Remix) Jimmy Somerville – Coming (Deep Edit) Asura – La Chanson de Carla Mystical Sun – Blue Magnetic Ocean

Full vRelease

DOWNLOAD ↓ Tracklist Pictureplane – Cyber Climax Pictureplane – Closer Now Becoming Real – Closer (Pictureplane’s No Body Remix) Creep – Days (Pictureplane’s Black Mesh Edit) Crystal Castles – Baptism (Pictureplane’s Feel for You Remix) Lil B – Real Life (Pictureplane’s Feeling Real Edit) Kingdom – Fogs (Pictureplane’s Stargate Dub) Pictureplane – No Eyes Pictureplane – Beyond Fantasy Marina and the Diamonds – Champagne (Pictureplane’s Deep Dolphin Remix) Pictureplane – New Metal Pictureplane – Book… [read more »]

DIS Without Borders
Wife-Beater and a Choker
Contemporary Internet Lifestyles

Jospehine, aka ruinedheels loves her high heels dirt. Her sexy yet to the point titles are likely the highlight: “Aldo Six Sink,” “Grindtime,” “Wedding Heat,” “Miu Miu Mashup”, “Miu Miu Massive Mess,” “Patent Mud,” “The Bridal Way,” and of course “Sloppy Slingbacks.”

A survey of orificial plug design.

Currently Bending
Community Action Interaction

You’re on a big huge trip traveling all around right now. You’re hard to track down! What’s this trip all about? What’s the occasion? Sometimes it’s just nice to get in a car and go; I get it, but if there’s a specific reason, I’d love to know it. We’re on an extensive air travel journey en route to Berlin via 3 flights thru 3 cuntries- we hope to get there sometime this week to… [read more »]

Each leg has 408 glass chandelier prisms, total of 816. Each prism has a 10mm split ring attaching to one another. All put on one by one. Underneath the feathers are 24 metal triangle hangers screwed on to denim, this is how the chandeleir chain is attached to the jeans. Very secure. I sewed by hand 2 layers of pure white feather and 40 individual white rosebuds to trim. -Swarovskijeans Item available on Etsy for… [read more »]

Soul patch, God’s asterisk, jazz dab, flavor saver, mouche, mosca, cookie duster, face fungus, attilio, liptee, Imperial, kionjamchuzi, small beard, royale, zif, ball tickler, Cadillac, spit catcher, taint brush, soup catcher, flavor stripe, spit, sauce, womb broom. Photoshop one on yourself to see if you would look as good as Britney, Whoopi, Rob and Michelle do. Send it to DIS and we’ll decide.

Shades of Notware