Lafayette Anticipation associate curator Anna Colin talks to artist Tyler Coburn about Ergonomic Futures, a speculative project engaged with art, design, science, anthropology and writing. In this interview, Coburn discusses the research, production process and network of collaborators of a multilayered project ultimately concerned with the futures of humankind. Anna Colin: When one comes across your museum seats Ergonomic Futures (2016—) in contemporary art exhibitions—and soon in natural history, fine art, and anthropology museums—they look… [read more »]
Fossil Fuel ♋ Babylon Zoo

[Editors’ note: “Fossil Fuel” is a new column on the discover blog in which DIS editors and elected contributors select pre-Y2K relics for display that hold immediate merit and inspire us in the here and now. We are proud to welcome our first contributor to this new ☛tag☚, London-based global fashion photographer and ’90s acid house enthusiast, Matt Irwin.]
Babylon Zoo were so funny, they were on TV allll the time when I was a teenager. The singer, Jas Mann, wore floor-length skirts and Buffalos with spikey rubber tops. His outfits were so good, complete with a “take me to your dealer” alien head he would have on stage with him.
I’ve always lived for this Levi’s advert. I still die for it even 15 years on. Despite a seven-album contract with EMI, the band only put out one record, The Boy With the X-Ray Eyes, which included the tracks “Animal Army” and “I’m Cracking Up I Need a Pill”, alongside the Number 1 bestselling hit “Spaceman”.
Some photos, LOL:

Visit Matt’s site, The Eternal Coca-Cola of the Spotless Fries.