Lafayette Anticipation associate curator Anna Colin talks to artist Tyler Coburn about Ergonomic Futures, a speculative project engaged with art, design, science, anthropology and writing. In this interview, Coburn discusses the research, production process and network of collaborators of a multilayered project ultimately concerned with the futures of humankind. Anna Colin: When one comes across your museum seats Ergonomic Futures (2016—) in contemporary art exhibitions—and soon in natural history, fine art, and anthropology museums—they look… [read more »]
Placebo | Too Many Friends | Unfortunate Details by Bret Easton Ellis
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Gummy bears, Google glasses, coke and several beautiful teenagers equate to the new video for Placebo‘s Too Many Friends, directed by veteran HD-ophile Saman Kesh, and narrated by author Bret Easton Ellis, whose typing finds it’s way into dryly humorous annotations throughout the video. Ellis’ gravitation towards L.A. aesthetic, whether it be racing past coyotes on Mulholland with a 1980’s Blair riding shotgun, or a neo-private school clubhouse 30 years later on the same street, is dominant in whatever he lays his finger on. Placebo play a minor role in the video, but Brian Molko’s warbling hacks into the crystalline scene of plaid skirts and blond jocks with an appropriate, siren-like danger notification. The band have a knack for setting the musical tone, stretching back to Ryan Phillipe’s entry into Manhattan at the start of Cruel Intentions, proving they can evolve with time, much like the Intel-esque visuals that accompany.