Lorenzo Durantini is an artist, curator and writer working between New York, London and Florence. Press releases are terrible and awful things; especially when written in hollow International Art English, that peculiar mistranslation of French philosophy mixed with mondegreens of 19th century German ideology as misinterpreted by Eastern European intellectuals. A pleonastic meatloaf usually cooked up by the ever growing cognitariat, that particular class of underpaid yet overachieving cultural workers that go radical enough to… [read more »]
DIScuss | Joshua Citarella’s Pixels
Joshua Citarella’s first solo show at Higher Pictures is a tight display of five photographs from his most recent body of work Anti-Magic. The show opens with a reclining nude peppered with cosmetic retouching marks that recalls Botticelli’s Mars and Venus. The painting has its own perspectival idiosyncracy with Venus’ right leg disappearing under her silk gown as if truncated at the hip. Perhaps Botticelli wanted to distort the female figure in the same way Citarella manipulated his nude, producing and at the same time questioning the sensuality of the body.

Mars and Venus by Botticelli, c. 1483

Joshua Citarella installation view