
Destruction of Experience | Amalia Ulman at Evelyn Yard


Argentinian-born, Spanish-raised and London-educated artist Amalia Ulman has a practice that is as multifaceted as it is meticulous. Her work revolves around notions of femininity; she carefully investigates the tropes of girlhood and middlebrow aesthetics that dominate western culture, be it young-girl Instagram profiles, or as in her latest solo show, Destruction of Experience at London’s Evelyn Yard, the visual templates of self-help guides and corporate identity.



Destruction of Experience is an immersive installation which calls upon the sterile hygiene of a doctor’s waiting room, or perhaps the soft-spoken politeness of an office lobby. Ulman speaks this bland language as a way to perform critique. She teases the relationship between corporate identity, consumerism and beauty through subtly altered replications: motivational boards, customized office calendars and room odorizers. These are embedded with a profound personal as well as cultural anxiety, an anxiety of beauty standards and ‘success’ in a time of extreme socializing individualism.



Ulman immerses herself fully in her projects, acting as artist, object, academic researcher and auteur across the many formats that her practice exists within. Her visual seminar/essay The Future Ahead, for example, is a compelling and legitimate feminist reading of ‘Justin Bieberism’ and digitally-mediated sexuality in young fangirls. She recently scripted and staged a multi-month performance on Instagram, in which the audience was confronted with a young LA tumblr-girl’s encounters with money, men, plastic surgery, fame and breakdown, and eventual spiritual rehabilitation. Ulman extracts narratives from a contemporary, mediated life-experience, and does so in the most elegant manner.

Evelyn Yard

Open until the 13th of November.






IN. BORDER. DEEP | Pierre Huyghe at Hauser & Wirth

With his latest exhibition at London’s Hauser & Wirth, Pierre Huyghe reflects upon 30 million years of history. Moving swiftly and elegantly across mediums such as sculpture, video and site-specific installation, the French artist deconstructs notions of temporality. In his work, the experience of time, or time passing, is simulatable; an ancient, reclined female figure in stone at the gallery entrance is in fact a recent concrete cast, equipped with an internal heating device that… [read more »]

Josef Bull | Arctic Expedition Aesthetics

Josef Bull is a Swedish artist based between Stockholm and NYC. Last summer he joined a two-month residency on an icebreaker in the Arctic Ocean. Here are some of his thoughts and a selection of images from the trip. The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat invited me to join Swerus-C3 this summer: a two leg Swedish/Russian/U.S expedition in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean. The goal of the expedition was to investigate the linkage between climate, cryosphere… [read more »]

PREMIERE: Murlo | “Into Mist” Video

Murlo has always been a popular name with DIS, fusing bright melodic grime with a considered measure of dancehall. Into Mist is the name of his next EP for London’s Rinse label (who also play host to the DIS Magazine radio show). Ever since his Street Trash mix for DIS, with art by Takeshi Murata, Murlo has released a steady slew of energetic riddims, and the title track to his new EP is no different. Unexpectedly, however, the… [read more »]


Tomorrow Gallery’s sophomore exhibition LIVE/WORK features a breakthrough presentation by the artist Brad Troemel, known widely for the tumbler-based group The Jogging, co-founded with Lauren Christiansen in 2009. Tomorrow’s director Tara Downs, formerly of Tanya Leighton Gallery in Berlin, through a combination of courage and grace has become an artists’ gallerist sine qua non, respected for her commitment to emerging practices and projects less likely to find support in typical commercial venues. Troemel, who has produced several… [read more »]


NEW HUMANS AND ALVIN ARONSON present TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING Coffee Vodka Take Control Lose Yourself Deep Water Flesh Mechanics Color Temperature Day Night 100% For Mika Tajima’s Total Body Conditioning at Art In General, Alvin Aronson collaborated with New Humans on Leisure Drill (Cardio Dub), the soundtrack playing throughout the gallery space that triggers lighting temperature shifts. Aronson will perform an extended live version of the composition in the exhibition space and New Humans will… [read more »]

Stream Felicita’s New Frenemies EP and Win A Glow-In-The-Dark Bag!

IT’S COMPETITION TIME  Not only can you stream Felicita’s brand new EP Frenemies this week on DIS, but if you answer THIS simple question how do you spell p-h-o-s-p-h-o-r-e-s-c-e-n-t? you could also win an OFFICIAL Felicita bag. P.S. it glows in the dark.   Email your answers to and the best spelling will be selected as our winner! This competition has now closed.

Not your average bot: DISmiss presents AGNES

AGNES is a bot, but she’s not out to mine your data. She wants to know more personal things: “Who was your first kiss?” “Which artist has influenced you the most?” “Who was your childhood enemy?” Get ready to spill your secrets to our new DISmiss. Created by artist Cécile B. Evans in late 2013 and currently living on the Serpentine Galleries’ website, AGNES was originally commissioned by Ben Vickers (Curator of Digital) and produced… [read more »]

How the Umbrella ‘Revolution’ meme hurt the movement in Hong Kong

Jason Li is a Hong Kong based designer and consultant. He primarily works with tech companies and startups in Asia. With An Xiao Mina he co-founded The Civic Beat, where people discuss using technology for social and political change. Here, he weighs in on how the #UmbrellaRevolution hashtag and Internet memes both helped and hindered the recent protest movement to emerge out of Hong Kong. The ongoing protests for democracy in Hong Kong have been… [read more »]

Yemenwed’s EMPATHEATRE at the Pérez Art Museum Miami

As the culmination of their Research-in-Residence at Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), the art collective Yemenwed will create an installation called EMPATHEATRE in the museum’s Learning Theatre. Merging themes of a wellness/cultural center and a more traditional entertainment venue, Yemenwed will host a month of music shows, lectures, film screenings, performances, tea ceremonies and other interactive sessions, from October 16 to November 16, 2014. Throughout the duration of the installation, a sculptural character named ICE,… [read more »]