


There is a moment of artifice when you enter another culture, when movements and actions do not feel like your own. How does one approach a system so coded and at the same time loaded with meaning? Enter the deep mind.

“A machinic repertoire” is set in an empty residential house in the outskirts of Kyoto in Japan. It is through this empty house that one further enters into a constructed system of emptiness: a system within a system. Internalised movements in mechanical repetition, both human and automated at once: body movements on a mat of tatami, the sliding of a door, the steps in a tea ceremony, industrially produced matcha, glitched prosthetic body parts, video-recorded interactions with robots, downloaded scientific data and algorithmic sound compositions – those are the orchestrated elements of “A machinic repertoire”.

If you missed the exhibition in October, below are some images and sound from Lars TCF Holdhus‘ show at 606-8272, Kyoto, curated by Dingum.

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-1

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-2

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-8

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-11

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-15

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-16

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-17

A Machinic Repertoire, Lars TCF Holdhus, Dingum 2015-20

All images courtesy of Dingum and TCF, 2015

the space between us | David Horvitz

He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight… – W. H. Auden, Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone Artist David Horvitz has created a new app. Commissioned by Thomas Thiel and Simone Neuenschwander for the exhibition Transparencies, at Bielefelder Kuntsverein and Kunstverein Nürnberg, the space between us acts as a sort of compass, but instead of pointing north, it points… [read more »]

Art, Design, and the Future of Privacy

“We were introduced to the idea that you can quantify a human life with data and that’s extremely perverse.” – Sarah Ball “I’m interested in the way decentralized technologies can empower us as individuals, and not just consumers” – Sarah Gold We consume technologies that shape our and lives and whose absence we can’t imagine. But we have almost no say over the behavior and limits of these technologies. Against this backdrop an odd, repetitive… [read more »]


In the Flesh Part l: Subliminal Substances features artists whose work utilizes inorganic ingestible elements found in food, medicines, cosmetics and technological devices. Some of these consumable and non-consumable products emit chemicals and radioactivity that our bodies absorb through the skin. Inorganic ingestibles include, but are not limited to, GMOs, pathogens, hormones, pesticides, steroids, preservatives, radiation and plastics. Such substances seep into our bodies more and more consistently, while the term “organic” is applied liberally… [read more »]

Glaze | Earthly

“Glaze describes the often shiny, wear-protective layer of oxide formed when two metals (or a metal and ceramic) are slid against each other at high temperature in an oxygen-containing atmosphere.” So says North Carolina electronics duo Earthly regarding the literal definition of “Glaze,” a track from their debut LP, Days. Released this summer via the Noumenal Loom, the album scrambles iridescent textures and wobbly rhythms through various states of flux. Eno Swinnen conceived the video… [read more »]

I Would Prefer Not to Include My Name | Eva and Franco Mattes

The task of a content moderator is to decide what content on an online platform is permitted to stay and what should be removed. Sometimes the guidelines are clear, e.g. remove all images of Al Qaeda, while other times it’s a question of subjective judgement whether or not the content is inappropriate. Eva and Franco Mattes are the artists behind the exhibition I Would Prefer Not to Include My Name, part of a larger project… [read more »]

Premiere | “Pump Fake” by vyle

A reference to Michael Jordan’s famous technique and also a synonym for indecision, this collaboration with producers Shy Guy and Thomas Welch, entitled “Pump Fake”, is vyle’s take on “what a rapper is” vs. “what a rapper is expected to be”, enveloped in postmodern slang and rap-centric jewels. “Pump Fake” is the first single from vyle’s upcoming experiential album, “A Ü T O/M Ö T O R”. Both words from the title refer to a car.… [read more »]

Mommy | Maggie Lee

July 20, 2012 — Maggie Lee tagged you in a photo. I remember receiving the notification on Facebook. I was on my way to see The Dark Knight Rises—it was it’s opening day—but the photo brought me back to the night before. Maggie’s caption above the photo on my timeline read: “finger snap, half man half woman, steven king or ann rice?, 2 step (in the back), simple times, park angel thong reptilian skirt, ghost… [read more »]

Arachne | Dorothy Howard

Inspired by the myth of Arachne, Dorothy Howard‘s recently launched eponymous webzine co-designed with André Fincanto explores the analogy of the internet network with a spider’s web (one that Dorothy Howard mentions started at the beginning of the internet when Tim Berners-Lee set the name “the world wide web” in 1989; he later wrote ‘Weaving the Web‘). Arachne explores various comparisons and intersections between mythology and the internet. I chatted with Dorothy about digital labour,… [read more »]

No Need to Hunt | We Just Wait for the Roadkill

Alexander Endrullat, Burkhard Beschow, Camilla Steinum, Dorota Gaweda & Eglé Kulbokaité, Jake Kent, Kai Hügel, Michele Gabriele Curated by: Paul Barsch It was not meant as a statement. Not at all. They just took it, mixed it, altered and extended it. They did not even care. Artifacts. Cultural objects. De facto found footage. Natural materials. … No hierarchy but full potential. Total opennesssssssss Ssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssss ssssss A thrilling, raspy scream that sounds exactly like a… [read more »]