
DIS Magazine: Fagg*ts in Paris

Fagg*ts in Paris

The most suggestive anti-gay movement of all time.

DIS Magazine: Forevercrombie


How Abercrombie got cool, again...

DIS Magazine: Usus Pauper

Usus Pauper

The Franciscan vow of poverty in the cult of art

DIS Magazine: On Materials Websites, Stock Photography, Casinos, Pronouns, and Art

On Materials Websites, Stock Photography, Casinos, Pronouns, and Art

DIS Magazine: Group Think

Group Think

Can the focus group be used to give an art fair with an image problem a branding lift or as a method to create better artwork? Liz Magic Laser tests the grounds.

DIS Magazine: Is a Photograph Still an Index If It’s on the Internet?

Is a Photograph Still an Index If It’s on the Internet?

Indexicality and Art Photography Today

DIS Magazine: The Redundancy of Appropriation

The Redundancy of Appropriation

Stock Photography and Its Conceptual Limit

DIS Magazine: From “Beauty” to Bland… and Back Again

From “Beauty” to Bland… and Back Again

A personal history of stock photography

DIS Magazine: Photo 101: Add to Cart

Photo 101: Add to Cart

The fetishized nature of photo equipment and the prosumers they target

DIS Magazine: Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Cuckolding in porn and the colonial biopolitics behind it.

DIS Magazine: Best & Worst of Men’s Spring 2013

Best & Worst of Men’s Spring 2013

Men's S/S 2013 is all about DRAGging and carrying. Designers: get on that tip and get off Tumblr. WE CAN SEE YOU.

DIS Magazine: W.A.G.E. Survey

W.A.G.E. Survey

Statistics about the economic experiences of visual and performing artists exhibiting in non-profit organizations in New York City between 2005 and 2010.

DIS Magazine: Krabbesholm


Chris Kasper reflects on his time at Krabbesholm, a non-hierarchical school in Denmark where there are no grades, and no degrees.

DIS Magazine: Credited Response

Credited Response

JEQU offers us an LSAT question and no answer.

DIS Magazine: Why MFA Critiques Are Futile Exercises

Why MFA Critiques Are Futile Exercises

Analyzing the time/cost ratio of MFA programs and the awkward silences during critiques.

DIS Magazine: Throwing the Gauntlet @ Art Programs

Throwing the Gauntlet @ Art Programs

Why we need art programs and how we can reform them.

DIS Magazine: Legit Admin

Legit Admin

What are the educational administrators doing these days?

DIS Magazine: Art Education from Noun to Adjective

Art Education from Noun to Adjective

Manifesto about how the only way to salvage the art school is to build an institution that is a university with a curriculum conceived by the visual arts.

DIS Magazine: DIS Crit – The DIS Magazine Art School Contest. Enter and Win!

DIS Crit – The DIS Magazine Art School Contest. Enter and Win!

Are you in art school? What's your medium‽

DIS Magazine: Club Kids: The Social Life of Artists on Facebook

Club Kids: The Social Life of Artists on Facebook