Face Masks by Caitlin MacBride
Keywords: aztec secret, Caitlin Macbride, david toro, earth science, face mask, facial, Fashion, lauren boyle, marco roso, masque, mint tingle, moisturizer, mud mask, neutrogena, queen helene, sea weed, skin treatment, solomon chase, turmeric, yogurt
Caitlin MacBride
Photography Marco Roso

Caitlin cleanses with cocoa and heavy cream, turmeric and yogurt, Earth Science Mint Tingle Masque, Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask, Blackberry and Yogurt, strawberries, and pumpkin seeds

Marco moisturizes with berries and Neutrogena Clear Pore; coffee, papaya, and tea; cocoa, coffee, and sugar; turmeric and yogurt; seaweed; and Earth Science Mint Tingle Masque

Patrik penetrates his pores by applying cocoa with coffee and sugar, Earth Science Mint Tingle Masque with yogurt, berries and Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask, turmeric and yogurt, and pumpkin seeds.

Lauren lathers on Earth Science Mint Tingle Masque with yogurt, Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser with blackberries, turmeric and yogurt, a turmeric and Mint Tingle combo, cocoa with heavy cream, paprika, Neutrogena Clear Pore straight-up, and pumpkin seeds.

Lauren lets her facial do the work. Blackberries and yogurt, cocoa and heavy cream, turmeric with yogurt, honey with flour and tea, St. Helene's Mint Julep Masque, and Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay.

David demolishes dark circles with a Queen Helene Mud Pack, Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque, Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask, cocoa and heavy cream, seaweed, turmeric and yogurt, berry medley with Clear Pore, and a yogurt berry combo.

Solomon's spa solution? Queen Helene's Olive Oil Mask, turmeric mixed with yogurt, Queen Helene's Avocado Grapefruit Mask, a yogurt/honey/tea trio, Earth Science Mint Tingle Masque, berries with Neutrogena's Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask, and Clear Pore sweetened with papaya.

David is desperate for some deep pore cleansing! Good thing he's got this mask of cocoa and heavy cream, turmeric and yogurt, Earth Science Mint Tingle Masque, Queen Helene's Avocado Grapefruit Mask, Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask, papaya seeds, and a quadrilogy of yogurt, paprica, turmeric, and berries!