
Art and Capital
The art market is not actually booming. Olav Velthius and Sarah Lookofsky talk it out.

Fear of Content | Rob Horning
I have only understood my self in various ways; the point is to change it.

A Letter from Jeffrey J. Cohen to Elysia Crampton
A letter to Elysia Crampton on her new album American Drift

A Brutalist Wonderland in the South | Chris Kasper
A personal take on the first post-war planned community in the U.S

McKenzie Wark | Digital Labor and the Anthropocene
Hacker theorist McKenzie Wark rehabilitates Tektology and Proletkult for radical digital organizing today

Ian Bogost | Funemployed Playborers
Media critic and video game engineer Ian Bogost talks flexwork and ideological gamification.

The Trouble with Donelle Woolford
Jennifer Krasinski and Lauren O'Neill-Butler weigh in on artist Joe Scanlan's controversial ongoing piece

Wickerham & Lomax talk to Nathan Lee about their sprawling new work, BOY'Dega

Creischer and Siekmann | Statistical Aesthetics
Artists Alice Creischer and Andreas Siekmann discuss their practices

Thomas Hirschhorn | Concordia, Concordia
Thomas Hirschhorn picks a non-art image and gives it meaning

Disability and Disabled Theater
Park McArthur, Lezlie Frye and Alice Sheppard—artists and dancers active in the field of disability studies—respond to Jerome Bel's Disabled Theater.

Simon Fujiwara | Riots, China, Meerkats, etc.
A conversation with the artist Simon Fujiiwara about his recent film, Rebekkah.

McKenzie Wark | Information-Commodification
Net scholar McKenzie Wark waxes political theory 2.0 in a Q&A.