

Glasser, AKA Cameron Mesirow, presents her first ever solo mix exclusively for DIS Magazine. Off the back of her latest album, Interiors, and currently on tour in Europe, we caught up with Mesirow to talk about her inspirations and favorite topical creams! Read the full interview below:

Finn Diesel: Your move to New York City and the architecture here have been discussed as powerful influences on Interiors. What else about the City has inspired your imagination?

Cameron Mesirow: Reflections! There is a constant hum of reverberation in the city, both light and sound are bouncing everywhere and energizing the place.

Garbage in all of its incarnations. Waste is on everyone’s mind in the city, we are living around, and in some cases inside of it. Its constant flow reminds me of how vital the city is, and in that way it’s very inspiring.

FD: How did you begin to work with Jonathan Turner?

CM: Jonathan was working on a video piece for Yemenwed when I met him in early 2012. My friend Megha Barnabas was performing with Yemenwed and she introduced me to him because I was looking for someone to work on animations with for Interiors. He became a friend right away and I started emailing him my ideas about how my music related to my visual aesthetic during cuckoo periods of insomnia. For each idea I shared with him he recommended about 4 or 5 artists, movies, or readings, and from there the visuals took form. He is such a talent, I’m so lucky to have worked with him.

FD: This is the first mix you’ve ever put together. Did you enjoy the challenge?

CM:  It was interesting, because I thought about creating a palette without centering it around my voice for the first time in ages.

FD: How do the songs relate to your own projects?

CM: I listen to a lot of instrumental music these days, classical and ambient, even exotica, and I was happy to have those things represent me for a change, those textures are a big part of what I do, though people tend to focus more on my voice.

FD: You’re currently on tour in Europe. What do you like to deliver when performing live?

CM: I’m in the beginning stages with this video show, which Jon and I worked to create with a design firm in NY called Spontaneous. I have always wanted to do this type of show, which is a bit more cabaret/drag/theater-inspired because I love just singing and emoting, but I also know that as an audience member, I take away visual memories more than sonic ones, so I suppose I wanted that to someone like myself who might be watching.

FD: Finally, are there any lotions or topical creams you’d like to recommend our readers for surviving the cold this winter?

CM: I am into oils for my skin, like jojoba and I even use olive oil sometimes. It smells good and tastes good and feels good.

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