Voting has begun‽
Click a "Crit it‽" button to view an entry. Hover over one of the triptych windows to expand an item.
Like whichever entries strike your fancy. We'll be throwing some curveballs over the next couple days, so stay tuned‽
1 |
Agius, MathildeECAL |
Could saturated lights of Eurythmy, combined with approximative poetry, question photography through a digital support such as video?
eurythmic play, tremendous colors, dance performance, poetry,
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Aldihni, AdrienCamberwell College of Arts |
Virgins and saints turned into pop idols turned into sex machines.
lights, glitter, spectacular, exploitation, colonizer, south, screen, religion, Shakira, hot, boom
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3 |
America, TannerCooper Union |
Aaron Graham(Allison Tanner)+Shawn Smith(Rob Tanner) present the Tanner America blog with jpgs from the daily lives of the Tanner family.
#American, #Blog, #SuburbanAngst, #Family, #Collaborative, #PowerCouple, #Web2.0, #Tumblr, #Default, #User, #JPG, #YouTube, #Religious, #KidActivity, #ReblogBoner, #FictionalLifePerformance
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Andrew, ScottCarnegie Mellon University |
These works are confrontational, visceral, and absurd sensory immersive experiences within invented environments and alternate time-space.
opulent, post-human, immersive, kitsch, full-sensory, confrontational, absurd, visceral, prelapsarian, surrealist fantasy, homoerotic, queer, drag, camp, gaudy decadence, fashion ritual, excess
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5 |
Anthony, TheoOberlin College |
can't feel a thing with these condoms on my fingers
music video, pepepiano, theo anthony, proxy dreams, glamour, december, 1987, re-make, versions, home movie
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6 |
Arunanondchai, KorakritColumbia Univeristy MFA class of 2012 |
"2012-2555", takes the structure of a Thai Funeral. The video chronicles my life in my 2 homes, Thailand and America, over the past year.
funeral, usical, hailand, orest, lood, 012, 555, ew york, bstract painting, ast, resent, uture, antasy, eality, ross-binary, emory, randparents, lood, elf intregration
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7 |
In the pre-study project Man-Machine Affairs, Nina Bačun and Anders Mellbratt question the world of existing and emerging technologies and…
man-machine affairs consultancy, man-machine relationships, surrogate experience, design fiction
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8 |
Barry, ScarlettKingston University |
Holding a vibration incense such as sage or myrrh walk clockwise around your space Repeat: The spirit within me I hereby cleanse this space.
thomas, francis, cleansing spell, boys boys boys
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batty, nicholasvictorian college of the arts |
An anthropological exploration into the affect of the Nike Tn shoe.
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Bianchi, EmilioEscuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Uruguay |
Olympic games are coming in the middle of a global crisis. As a selfhelp book, this work focuses on the place where we stand for taking part
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Blye, KateParsons |
forget it
#parishilton #disgusting
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Boccioletti, EnricoAccademia di Brera |
One are many, accuracy is now inclusion
IRL, RL, dentity, pace, resence, bsence, ime, imulated, eal, ultiverse, ransparency, ayers, ove, anguage
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Bourain, JoAnnaWesleyan University |
ur supposed to look at it and see the goldfish swimming across the tvs but i didnt do it right :-(
#woman, #tammywynette, #toogaytobeformalist, #toofeministtobeformalist, #lol
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14 |
Boyer, TheodoreSchool of Visual Arts |
Technology and architectural references are a catalyst for representing our world in the 21st century while hinting what the future will be.
theodore boyer, rtist, rt, ontemporary, ew york, ainting
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15 |
Brannigan, RobbieBard College |
Onward is a timeline of metaphorical representations of previous events in my life which I have left unexamined, which deal with alienation.
photography, autobiography, timeline, alienation
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16 |
Branson, EmmaTyler School of Art |
its like when you're stone and you only want to watch tv through the mirror.
visual formulas, flowers, "real" food, aesthetic spirituality,
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17 |
Brooks, AustinCal State Northridge, Graphics Art Department, Fine Art's Department |
Their must be a middle ground between color and space that doesn't have meaning or existance, a new language must be created. New Meanings.
timely, social renegade, exclusive novice, brown, yellow, engineer
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18 |
Bruce, ParkerNew York University |
Gay porn & other sounds mix download. Inspired by living in the era of mixes, being away from New York for a few months and @6TEEN6WITCH6.
juxtaposition, sound experience, sonic collage, gay porn, mindfuck, lady dames
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19 |
Brumbelow, AaronSavannah College of Art and Design |
When I look at my home on GSV I have an emotional response. Yet this is not GSV's purpose. I am providing an emotion to the analytical.
photography, gsv, home, gaming, virtual, exploration, landscape, sublime, analytical, emotional, home
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20 |
Bush, RyanRhode Island School Of Design |
Hey I just met you
and this is crazy!
~` Art'scool@artschool
#WWW #youngmoney #miraj #bookface
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21 |
CHALAS, CharlesGobelins, Paris |
Do you need the virtual world to enjoy the real one ? If you distort enough digital representations, can you affect reality ?
experimental, distortion, noise, reality
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22 |
Collective, 5th FloorAalto University of Arts, Design and Architecture |
EPICALYPSE 2012 is a golden tribute to the most spiritually anticipated year of this century by the 5th Floor collective.
2012, epic, visionary art, 2012 prophecy, mayan, digital art, apocalypse, 4th dimension, robot sex, caucasian extermination, polar shift, timewave zero, angel dna, nibiru, planet x, quetzalcoatl, internet dies, ice age
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23 |
Couillard, JeremyColumbia |
Animation, sculpture, paintings of pyramids, chairs, castles, cubes, cords, plants, radiolarians, cells, homes.
3d, animations, kinetic, house, mountain, gradients
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24 |
Cruz, PatrickEmily Carr University of Art & Design |
▒▐█▀▀▄ █▀▀ ▄▀▄ █▀▄ ▀▄░▄▀░░
▒▐█▒▐█ █▀▀ █▀█ █░█…
#screenshot #mspaint #appropriation #performance #readymades #postinternet
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25 |
Cuffie, MarcusCooper Union |
work by Gerhard Richter, Johannes Kars, Vija Celmins, Rafa Bujnowski, Maria Serebriakova, Dirk Braeckman, Wilhelm Sasnal, Marlene…
#compress #compile
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26 |
Dedenis, GeoffroyEcole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Valenciennes |
An interpretation of Bambi's story, mother and son relationship, the child born in mother's blood, and the death of the mother.
Bambi, dead, born, red
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27 |
DeLong, MattMaryland Institute College of Art |
Using images from film to tell a story. Conversation is started between the works being used and the story being told “The Little Prince"
The Little Prince, Repetition of Cultural Items, elevision, Sad Men, Storytelling, Allusion, Everything Already Exists
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28 |
DeNatale, KeithUC Davis |
I've always loved underwear ads ever since I was a kid.
workout, workingout, gettingworkedout, ouch, underwear
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29 |
Devin, CoorainSchool of Museum of Fine Arts/Tufts University |
I love Rihanna, but this love makes me cringe. By critically engaging RiRi, am I praising her? Are my reservations about this icon founded?
rihanna zine publication silkscreen consumption pop image autotune exoticism everyday we found love in a hopeless place but actually
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30 |
Di Giovanni, CécileVilla Arson |
I desecrate myths and mystify daily life. I try to create a mix between uncomfortable and funny feelings to finally reconcile people with…
demystification, popular myths, religion, sex, white trash, bad taste, installation, sculpture, photography, black humour
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31 |
Dicaprio, PatricLamar Dodd School of Art |
My name is PATRIC DICAPRIO. I am the digital clone of Patrick Oldweiler. If Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain collapsed the boundaries of concept…
frosted tips, squaresoft realness, trans-cybernetic teen pop, cyber-twink hyper-realness
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32 |
Dochkin, VaniaSVA |
My childhood in Kew Gardens, fragmented memories of archaic urban mythologies told by old people living on Austin Street…
#UrbanApathy #GenoveseSyndrome #KewGardens #Queens #MyChildhood #MemoriesofChildhood
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33 |
Enns, ClintYork University (Master's Program in Cinema and Media Studies)) |
Augmented reality is used to emotionally enhance conceptual artist Bas Jan Ader's 1971 seminal work "i'm too sad to tell you."
Augmented Reality, Bas Jan Ader, Video Art, Performance, Experimental, Weird, Art, Unusual
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34 |
Erlanger, OliviaLewis and Clark College |
Vulnerability. Gaze. Idolatry. Manufactured.
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35 |
Ewing, BaileyAppalachian State University |
Dishes that are not edible and not appealing create unsettling tension when hyper-arranged in a commercial food photography setting. :p √
food, photography, color
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36 |
Ferguson, DuncanThe Cooper Union |
scratching post
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37 |
Filardo, ChristianArizona State University |
I use my work to help me discover my inner self, and communicate my desire to be understood; as an athlete, beauty queen, and prophet.
intervention, performance, video, glam, star, super, freakcore, dunkwave, live, action, role playing
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38 |
pure hut couture
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39 |
Freak, ContextRoyal Melbourne Institue of Technology |
Cultural revolution yes please! Hi China. Re-vamped GG script inc. themes present in chinese literature. Get with the flow. Train yourself.
#script #psyche #adapt #chinasrise #cultural #adaptation #gossipgirl
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40 |
Friedman, MichaelSan Francisco Art Institute |
I don't think Republicans are all that bad.
2012, positivist eschatology, death shit, effective business skills, team management
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41 |
Gerhard, DavidColumbia College Chicago |
as i sit on my comp and try 2 write thee tweesis i become weary, oh thee dis crit. comp judge. weary that you will have my baby
artist internet real world fashion gucci prada balenciaga print screen friends next level image based satanic
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42 |
Gibson, AlexanderCooper Union |
A hot girl named Columbine takes pix of herself in action at work in her post studio practice artist run space #whitecube #kony2012
self-indulgent, facebook, internet, columbine, tumblr, cyborg, reflexive, self-referential, badsmellingboy, twitpic, digital, poststudio, posterboy, post-gender, postitnote, postmodern, postcolonial, postmortem, postcoitaldrift, postirony
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43 |
Glass, JohnCUNY Queens college |
Trance bomber.
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44 |
Goodwin, DennisBard College |
In "Habitat 1" bot search logic mistranslates our culture back 2 us thru shopping: Can we google Human telos!? can consumption b nonhuman!?
Hunter-gatherer, algorithmic wisdom, shopping, natural consumption, taking out the trash, master narrative, breast cancer
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45 |
Green, AndrewSchool of the Art Institute of Chicago |
My work postulates ideology within a spatial metaphor, evaluating space as a construct of globalized stasis and flux.
white men, ideology, mapping space, derive, urbanism, symptomology, pergamon,
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46 |
Grosser, BenjaminUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
An artificially intelligent machine that considers what it hears as it paints its own body of work.
interaction, interactive, robot, robotics, artificial intelligence, new media, painting, oil painting, artist
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47 |
Guillot, WileyMaryland Institute College of Art |
In my drawings, tumorous shapes and bulges radiate out of limbs asymmetrically. My tumblr is an extension of my art / aesthetic.…
#mykidcoulddothat #sweaty #zigzag #curator #composition #why #dollhouse #melting #crinkly #hairextensions
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48 |
Hanes, DavidOCAD University |
Can pizza be art? I believe that it can and I'm into hosting Pizza Parties to prove it!. Each event includes over 40 artists and my pizza's!
Relational, Pizza, Party, Performance, Curation, Participation, Customized, Culture, Art, Annual, Event, Hand Made, Well Spread, Zaa Zaa, Orders, 3D, Youth, Spirit, Comforts, Food
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49 |
Hanson, HarryWesleyan University |
After a falling out with my muse I was forced to take on the dual role of artist/subject, which led to a conflation of our physical selves.
Mattorexia, ego, fame, deceit, performative, queer, masking, self-reflexive, glamour, subjective
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50 |
Hayward, HollyCamberwell College, University of the Arts, London |
Pop-influended shrine to Whitney Houston. Her hair rotating on a gold platform to the backdrop of a looping 'I Will Always Love You' #RIP
@4evaWhitney #IWillAlwaysLoveYou #RIP
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51 |
Heinemann, LeeThe Maryland Institute College of Art |
I created a parallel universe in a public space with a team of friends, and this is what happened when we invited people to join us there.
collaborative, antihierarchical, public, working-class, kansas city, performative, curatorial, opulent, utopian,
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52 |
henshall gray, Judesheffield hallam |
An examination of the immateriality of the written word and stuf
#fiona banner #words #banality
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henshall gray, Judesheffield hallam |
An examination of the immateriality of the written word and stuff, an exercise in the banality of modern art.
#fiona banner #words #tumblr #lols
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54 |
Holland, FaithSchool of Visual Arts |
The internet is made of pussies.
pussy, cyberspace, appropriated, virtual, orgasm, cats, feminist, world wide web, 1990's, internet
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55 |
Jacotey, GeorgesAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Fine Arts |
you just wear that with snakeskin accessories and flip-flops and be ready to shine.
#TrojanFashionWeek, #DesperationForum, #BalkanGlamour,
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56 |
Jake, YungCalifornia Institute of the Arts |
balancing criticality and dedication to a form; keeping things trill without losing what's necessary to get people thinking about 2012...yJ
omgyj, yung, jake, art, rap, performance, relational aesthetics, youtube, crit, color, beauty, pop
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57 |
Jasper, Ainsley WillowEmily Carr University |
Focusing on social aspects of contemporary culture, my work exists as a tongue-n-cheek investigation into that which is viewed as a…
#culturalcritique #duttywine #hacking #onlinexxxclusives #cyber #consumerism #networking #urbanlifestyle #contemporary_culture
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58 |
Javiere, LaeticiaCalifornia College of the Arts |
The concept of placelessness lies within the context of globalization and its effects upon culture resulting in homogenization. These ideas…
self-portrait, placelessness, room, objects, deterritorialization, reterritorialization, public, private, camgirl, photography, painting, performance, culture
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59 |
Jones, PorscheSUNY ay Buffalo |
A visual interpretation of Craigslist Missed Connection encounters in all their glory.
missed connections, conceptual, performance, internet, blond, model, portrait, reenactment, pizza
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60 |
Keelan, ThomasSarah Lawrence College |
We use standardized patterns for beauty, prescribed like game rules. Free choice and loss of self, expressed in the union of man and machine
pixel, ender, attern, egabite, verbyte, ime, ight, ove, ecay, oxic, eformed, llnatural, ogos, genesis, olition
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61 |
Kessler, BradfordSchool of Visual Arts |
Naturalist Charles Darwin reenacts comedian George Carlin's infamous stand up "Saving the Planet" in the voice of bioexorcist Beetlejuice.
Bioexorcism, Going Green, Evolution, Paranormal experimentation, Slime theory, Plastic Future, Ghost Science, Blob tectonics, Stand-up comedy, Radioactive Wizard, Bad Animation
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62 |
Khek, BrianThe School of The Art Institute of Chicago |
I often index the virtual with the physical in an effort to highlight the heterogeneous, distributed space of our mass-augmented ecology.
photography, sculpture, consumerism, Olympics, competition, performance, Classical, prosumer, advertising, technology
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63 |
Kinstler, austinCollege For Creative Studies |
i'm growing my hair out. small caps ftw. i miss you.
neat, ok, great, far, out, a, leaf, loveyou,
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64 |
Kirkpatrick / Boschen / Cameron, Rebecca / Marleen / TomChelsea College of Art and Design |
WWW: A Night of Connecting Virtual Pathways! Realize Collective Consciousness! Project your Personality! Explore your Sharing Potential!
virtual pathways, collective consciousness, personality, open laptops, sharing, self-sufficient system, non-monetary exchange, physical virtualities, generosity
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65 |
Kocatepe, ErimEmily Carr University of Art + Design |
Inspired by the cyberpunk genre, I created a dreamy virtual experience around the pink clouds.
Cyber-punk, avatar, virtual-world, beautiful-clouds, ceramic, Dreamy
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66 |
kral, alexUniversity at Buffalo |
An installation, which exhibits the combination of apparel and art that glorifies overconsumption and obsessiveness in youth subcultures.
alex kral, 90s, youtube, cartoons, whatever, tyler the creator, louis vuitton, heroin, shirts, fashion, art, clothes, monogram, pattern, america, couples therapy
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67 |
Lake, MarkusConcordia University |
I wanna fill a room/container with ipods+earbuds, each one blasting one of the top 500 noise albums. R. Shafer Vs. P. Schaeffer. Dig?
#noise #googlesearch #headphonemusic #hearing #listening #topnoisealbumsofalltime
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68 |
Lenox, André + EvanThe School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
As Kierkegaard once wrote, a crowd “is an abstraction and has no hands: but each individual ordinarily has two hands."
Lenox-Lenox, Lenox Twins, Teamwork, Group Work, Stack, Ceramics, Metallic, Totem, Pedestal, Twins
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69 |
Leonardy, RossParsons The New School for Design |
Wear Your Search is a person-specific, ongoing project in which search results–the ultimate arbiter of internet status–are used as…
status identity ranking SEO ryder algorithm computer generated print fashion next level
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70 |
Linde, MatthewRMIT |
~ Everyone wants to be fabulous as performance art ~
#spectacle #luxury #FaShIoN&aRt
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71 |
Little, ChrisIndiana Univeristy Southeast Graduated May 07 2012 University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2012 |
Exploring the youtube "broadcast yourself" culture. The compression artifacts remind the viewer of the medium. Bye Bye.
data mosh, datamosh, video, glitch, compression artifacts
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72 |
Loaf, NandiCooper Union |
To be or not to be, that is the question: I love you Andy, make room Jeff Koons <3
#ThisIsMyPainting #LastCallForAlcohol #WithoutShaqWhoIsKobe #DaytimeTelevisionRealness #Red #White #Blue #Kitsch #JeffKoonsBeMyHero #hashtag #hashtag
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73 |
Loddo, KillianGerrit Rietveld Academie |
Minimise the ditch between subclutures, pop culture and elite culture. By maintaining characteristics of play, sensationalism and immediacy
visual, imits, hysical, ffect, nstictiv, layfulness, ensationalism, ignature, exual, urface, ensibility, agical, hysicality, eference, erisory, esir, nquiry, ension
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74 |
Loeppky-Kolesnik, JordanConcordia University |
A distant journey into the sands, the desert holds a chance at existence created in the heart of artifice.
biodome, chouette, paradise, lunar, sublimité, optical illusion, desert, biome, mousse, dune, satellite, liberté
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75 |
Lucas, ShaunSchool Of Visual Arts |
I like to capture subtle expressions that seem to be over looked or sometimes even unattractive. For this body of work I aspire for an…
#teen dreams
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76 |
Madisson, MikkEstonian Academy of Arts |
The only common understanding is misunderstanding.
gruel common black food music
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77 |
mandeng, marcelmica |
The piece heavily relies on the viewer's perception of the work but as the artist I have created a sort of dynamic with images and text
word-play, imagery, naivety, mundane, phallic, dreams readymade, sexuality,
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78 |
Marcus, EzraSarah Lawrence College |
dry mount
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79 |
Martin, LaurenRhode Island School of Design |
Bed, Bath and Beyonce: Objects for the Domestically Challenged, Update Your Drab LIfestyle with Something Exciting! and Unexpected!!~~~**
debonair, exciting, innovative, transforming, sensual, net, cyber, fiber, bathing, domestic, popularculture
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80 |
McClure, |
Best thought: no thought.
Loss, identity, Nike Hurrache, Georges Diddi-Huberman, emotional topography, jpg.
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81 |
Mendes, MilosWillem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam |
Let's talk about seemingly passive behaviors of everyday life, predictability that generates a specific kind of boredom and disinterest. …
butter, utt, r, rr
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82 |
Meres, FelipeFundação Armando Alvares Penteado (São Paulo) |
Leave it to Google's machines to set the record straight by translating the "communication" between art stars. #speakergingrich
miscription, %uh situation, All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace, peripheral issues, we need to stop the news, sos anti-climatic
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83 |
Merran, ChristineC.S.U.N. |
The feelings of ones true current moment in an age of invisible delights.
Full, desert, love, heat, mojave, weman, sun
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84 |
Middleton, ChaseRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Inherent to my practice are the concerns of narcissism. I am fascinated by the idea of "perfect beauty" and the inevitability of decline.
#Narcicissm #Abjection #Atrophy #Tchicovsky #Yves Saint Laurent #Perfection
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85 |
Moon, Harveythe School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
The Drawing Machine is a artistic tool that I developed and programmed with custom software designed to make unique drawings every time.
drawingmachine, machine, drawing, kinetic, artificial intelligence
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86 |
Mora, FredRMIT |
Cindy is so gentle and so violent.
Cindy, hashtag, awakening, hovering, stimulating, insertion, isnack2.0, save me.
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87 |
Mori , Ro$eBored College |
3D is so sexXxy and so r we
#pussayfresch #dongjuan #stonerdreemz #Yt3d:enabled=true
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88 |
Munoz, DavidNew York University |
Artists can make money. This is part of a series on consumerism that relates consumerism with physical consumption.
oreos, mint oreos, consumerism, gpoy, starving artist
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89 |
Nash, FelixUniversity College Falmouth |
everyone can experience every tsunami, & every tsunami is the same, even the ones that don't exist, and the ones that do.
Tsunami, Tsunamis, media, convergence, true fiction, boot-leg, new-boot,
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90 |
Nef, HariColumbia University |
L-GABA is a digital creature borne of the promise of social media. L-GABA is Elagabalus 2.0; L-GABA is Tila Tequila; L-GABA is howling.
social media, pseudonymity, liveness, ephemera, portraiture, queer performance, sustained performance, generation 2.0
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91 |
Newton, MarcSCAD |
My work is about the urge to return to nature, the place in your head which holds mystery, independence, and sacred truth.
marc, newton, Animal, Wild, SCAD, fantasy, Nature, Dream
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92 |
Nguyen, MelMinneapolis College of Art and Design |
Digital windows as another framing device, representations of and viewing reality open. A realm that celebrates anonymity and questions it.
digital, painting, gif, scrolling, viewing, frame, realism
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93 |
Novosel, JosipAcademy fine arts vienna |
Apollo 69
turned the light on 4 1h in a porncinema
put two shiny blue bubblegums next to glory holes. min. gesture max. interpretation.
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94 |
Pallasvuo, JaakkoFinnish Academy Of Fine Arts |
How To (2011-) is an ongoing series of instructional videos.
institutional critique, art about the art world, powerpoint, language-based, appropriation
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95 |
Paparella, MaxwellBard College |
last night i dreamed of places i wish i'd bookmarked
afterlife, currentlife, staycation, final cut amateur, asleep, "finding god", wonderwall, is life good, food, downloading, uploading
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96 |
patrick, mitchbrooklyn college |
This art practice is guided by techniques of digital observation which form a critique surrounding the importance placed upon an art object…
digital, video, interface, drawing, cyber tableau
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97 |
Peel, RebeccaPacific Northwest College of Art |
Your Victory is elusive; your ideal now attainable. Does the volume of expense avail the refined couture produced for esoteric brand vanity?
rain delay, promotion, ebay, steep motivators, asymmetrical distribution, nonplused spectators, green, movement, glacial, planks, product evolution, balance, tumblr trends, inanimate stratagem, shipment, uniform, waste volume, aggregation, avid, anomalous representation
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98 |
Perillo, LeeNew York University |
Could I become a magician?
#magic #sculpture #conceptual #fun #lee #perillo #drawing #neon #balloons
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99 |
Petreycik, KyleRingling College of Art and Design |
I create open ended assemblages that investigate an attempt to contribute to society through working with what I already have
#conceptual #minimalist #assemblage #polaroid #MDF #life
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100 |
Pittock, KennyVictorian College of the Arts |
I draw people on the train,I show them and I film the process.I know it makes me a weirdo, but you should see some of the people I've drawn.
drawing, train, tram, funny, game, big, dazed, man, racist, races, creepy, dog, voyeurism, weirdo, girls, drunk, invasion, privacy, serious, dumb
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101 |
i wanna kno ur thesis ;)
tattoos black white image image tatto store strong masculine fun just for fun
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102 |
Puotinen, ErikMaryland Institute College of Art |
Abstracting three-dimensional spaces by photographing areas void of a subject. Focusing on the quality of light and the gradients inherent.
Photo, abstraction, two dimensional, B&W, Gradient, Silver Gelatin Prints
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103 |
Raise, AllenCSULA |
The love of organic foods,, DUH!
whole foods, hole earth, raw, organic, iphones, power, kombucha, 2012, headphones, earbuds, kale, supplement
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104 |
ramelot, shannonRensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
This is an assemblage i created using cubes, water, highlighters, objects i bought from the dollar store, el wire and uv black lights…
neon, ultraviolet, el wire, lights, raver, jelly, biology, hologram, slimepunk, experiment, assemblage
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105 |
Ransom, TonyMaryland Institute College of Art |
I am working toward curing humanity of its obsession with meaning.
Destruction, Reconstruction, Salvage, Black, White, Colorless, Improvised, Installation, Sculpture, Intuitive, Violent, Mystery, Smash, Break, Line, Contrast, Brainwash, Jagged, Chains, Dynamism
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106 |
Rembrandt Quiballo, Rembrandt QuiballoArizona State University |
I use interdisciplinary means to critique contemporary mass media and its role in the conflation of visual history with visual fiction.
video art, remix, appropriation, spectacle
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Reynolds, ZaneCALARTS |
It's all about the sick dwell spot. Its to bad that I already have a residency there. :<0
Frap, dwell, cultural anthropology, black tea, coffee, sick, rush
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Rogers, TomLiverpool John Moores (UK) |
Documentary - After a year at University, Abe, a young band from Sheffield, return home attempting to make the most of their time together.
abe, destinys child, band, through with love, blurring the boundaries, ego, holidays, documentary, mocumentary, pressure, love, friendship, failure.
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Ronnersjö, MaxValand Academy of Fine Arts |
Am doing this from a train with iphone connection, sorry for reposts
Public Domain, Wikipedia, Creative Commons, New Economy, Cultural Capital, Environmentalism, Floating Signifiers, Post-fordism, Philosophia perennis, Interior design, Wine, Photography, Appropriation, Research, Meme, Folksonomy, Non-profit, Post Contemporary Art, Super-hybridity, Wine, Spiritualism, Ready-made, Internet, Word-of-mouth, Augmented Realism, Speculative Realism, Tulips, Semiotics, Vi
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Roye, IndranielRhode Island School of Design |
I'm all about that readymade.
Exhilaration, Cool Attitude, Togetherness, Skill, 20-24 Years, Multi-Ethnic Group, Approaching, Gesturing, City Of Los Angeles, Arms Raised, Color Image, Real Time, Group Of People, Bling Bling, Shirtless
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Rozanski, GregorKunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee |
living in socio-political and aesthetical mimicry; using dirty ideas in pure forms; enjoying conceptual borderline disorder;
conceptual bastardism, ephemeral, virtual heterotopia, post-political, black market, fast food, black metal, visual overdose, underground, onthological anarchy, aesthetical borderline disorder
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Rubin / Kwon / Laprade, Anna/Dan/TomRhode Island School of Design |
Bench marketing of crossbreeding within the xxxchange of currencies, among colorful factions in and around the inst-tuitional ewtopia.
# labor # leisure # work # sharp # institutional critique # postproduction # reduction # relational # pedagogy # taut # mobile # sex # submissive # RISD # Providence # Home Depot # Walmart # Dior # flagrance #oxy-dental # orient-asian # the Other Said # utilit-arian # deem-arcaded zone # potential # pre-occupational # import-ant # moneytime # savvy spending # prosumer # multimedia # self-reflexive # restyle
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Salazar-Caro, AlfredoSchool of The Art Institute of Chicago |
[STREET_TEAM] was a guerrilla style curated exhibition/performance. 14 artists, 5 countries, 8 cities, 12+ major art institutions.
guerrilla, installation, international, clandestine, exhibition, street, team, streetteam, .gif, gif, animated, TATE, TATE MODERN, relational, web art
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Schonebaum, MikeSchool of The Art Institute of Chicago |
I'm no longer an art student. I suppose I'm sending you a ham sandwich. I hope you like ham...
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Self, TschabalalaBard College |
My current body of work examines the cultural significance of popular imagery featuring women of color. The majority of my pieces are based…
tschabalala, self, women, black, culture, contemporary, digital, media
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sisk, Ashlimontclair state university |
Reflections of a natural world dying off and barely existing only in human engineered space.
baroque endangered golden bear rhinoceros zebra oil painting framed
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Smirnov, IlyaAkademie der bildenden Künste Wien |
Celebrity nose jobs, natasha henstridge, track of the 1995 nature television species, decides a influx abdominoplasty as the model friend ms
duchampian blast, silkscreen
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Smith, Alex IanPacific Northwest College of Art |
Material based formal work addressing the abstract relationship between artist, viewer, image, object and space in a 'Post-Internet' context
Formal, Painting, Sculpture, Photocopy, Book, Image, Object, Imageobject, Perception, Material, Negation, Remediation, Agency, Paradox
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Solano, ManuelEscuela Nacional de Pintura Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda |
strong, independent, pagan woman singing
#LOLZ #christmas #video #blackfriday #rhonettajohnson #2011 #1992 #sineadoconnor #pope #manuelsolano #fukushima2011 #tsunami #beyonce #kingb #blueivy #9-11 #WTC #twintowers #osama #obama #michelleobama #rebeccablack #friday #britney #madonna #xtina #madonnabritneykiss #naomicampbell #gianniversace #rihanna #vitacoco #terencekoh #aidee #MIBELLOCUERPO
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Spicero, JasperPacific NorthWest College of Art |
Freshman year I drag/drop images of Mike Tyson. Then I met a boxer on the street b/c we had the same phone and fought him in dorm garage.
#clear #diffuse #psybient #trance #design_garden
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Stone, Natsaic |
I almost dropped out of high school. Then my mom had me see this lady that would help me organize my doodles and pictures of abandoned…
art, life, water, food, apple, nike, aloe, massage, sex, glass, alphabet, dog, wiener, paint, chores, allowance, home, turkey, haus, taxidermy
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Stoner, IanSchool of Visual Arts NYC |
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Tankersley, JessicaWeitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts - University of Oklahoma |
her mind's eye, is work made by the net, for the net. As you can see, the net is just a few algorithms away from getting rid of me entirely.
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Teitell, DanPratt Institute |
We spend so much time trying not to be alone in this menagerie of a universe but mostly we just watch porn and put stuff in our butts really
#butts, #porn, #bigdicks, #grindr, #butseriouslyhunty, #fagcitybitch
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Temkin, DanielInternational Center of Photography / Bard College |
The web is our parking lots, our strip malls, our office parks. Communication here looks easy, but is not. Loneliness and isolation result.
new media, javascript, photography, html, esolang
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Thebez, AlexParsons |
Taking the non-physical format of a website, Oncetoforever is a personal essay. It compiles and abstracts people and places from my life.
GIF, Web Art, Website, Narrative, Photography, Internet, Technology, Communication, Personal Essay
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UNAL & DUNBAR, Deniz & OliviaPiet Zwart Institute |
If MTV puked on itself it would look something like ORALS TV.
bodies, video, female trouble, tv, provocation, slut, ambivalence, orals, performance, internet, sex, Mariah, occupy, Bieberisms, identity, consume, affiliation, tongue
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van Geffen, MariekeHKU fashion design: Utrecht, netherlands |
The curiosity of the human body, born deformation or cultural beauty. Translate into a collection where the curiosity of the body will be…
curiosity, flexability, fashion design, inspiration deformation human body Design: Marieke van Geffen
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Velasco, AlexandraParsons the New School for Design |
Alexandra Velasco's dreamscape videos, performance and art work emerge from her constant search of another more fantastical su-rreality.…
Dark flinching ethereal lightness
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Velasquez, CrixKansas City Art Institute |
The digi-sphere is the newest platform for art to once again change our natural perception. Using found PNGs & Photoshop extractions that…
photo, digital, collage,
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Wall, SaoirseNCAD |
video art, collaboration, performance art, politics, gender roles
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Wells, LindsayAlberta College of Art and Design |
Unfolding a landscape for which does not even know its own existence; a hidden language, time and place, creating a world of its own.
Mystic, magical, mocking, memorial
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Westly, DarrylCooper Union |
ready made jpegs of carnations cut and pasted into a bouquet
flowers, Jpegs, collage
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Yoo, SuaSchool of the Art Institute of Chicago |
virtual helper powered website with portfolio and tutorials
#sua #yoo #suayoo
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Yusufov, MikhailBard College |
If art is free then is it art?
#futurevision #digitalrelationships #personalmuseum #artlife #lifeart #freeart #digitalgallery
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Zepeda, JoseUniversity of Arizona School of Art |
Photos shot at the Casa Grande Outlet Center on the reflecting windows of empty store fronts and advertisements. Reflections of 2008 - now.
Reflections, Outlets, Recession, StoreFronts, CasaGrande, Arizona, Vacancy, Advertisement, Photography
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